A great way to make money for a tailor is selling those Illusionary bags (2.5k up on AH). Now, they take approximately 2 weeks to farm for the Dreamcloth required, so it gives you plenty of time to farm the Volatiles to make the cloths. Also, they sell for a pretty penny on AH, so why not farm those extra to maximise profit?
My first spot to hit is always Stonehearth in Deepholm (as mentioned in my prior post), armed with a Potion of Treasure Finding. In 1 hour today I farmed 75 bolts of Embersilk (on AH for 499g, which is far more effective than making Embersilk bags to sell, as they sell for less and slower and use a hypnotic dusts too). I also got 7 green drops (I'm also an enchanter, so this was great for disenchants), 5 Pyrium Ore, 6 Elementium Ore and lots of vendor trash. In addition, I got 17 tiny treasure chests, which each contained a good amount of mixed Volatiles. Now this wasn't a great farm today. Sometimes I get up to 25 tiny treasure chest and they have green items in and a lot more Volatiles. Or blue item drops. But hey, maybe I over farm there ;). Sometimes it's fantastic, sometimes not so much, but ALWAYS better than farming other areas. My little magelet's AoE means I can farm mobs fast to maximise loot!
Another thing I tried this week (mainly through boredom!) was fishing. I had read that Volatiles could be farmed this way and decided to give it a try. Initially I didn't catch much other than junk but I decided to go farm the lava pools in Cannon's Inferno. If you fish directly into the little fire pools, it's a 100% chance of Volatile Fire. Each pool yields about 5 before it disappears but that is still a great rate if you're the only one there! I read that the fire pools in Hyjal are a great place to fish too. I haven't been yet but I will update when I have!
The great thing about fishing in Cannon's Inferno is that you can do it as soon as you get a fishing rod. You don't have to be high level in your fishing to do this, just so long as you can handle your business with the elementals that surround the pools!
Now, onto Volatile Air...
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