Gnome Mage

Gnome Mage

Friday, 4 May 2012

Rage Shout!

I love my game currently but there are a few things that annoy me. And I have found company in my annoyance. A frustrating part of the game is the amount of rage shouting people do. Now for Battlegrounds it seems the norm and I accepted that, as most of the shouting is aimed at the faction generally. For example:

"Ally sux fuxin NOOBS"

Now aside from the terrible spelling and grammar in that sentence, there isn't much to be offended by. It's just someone QQing because they aren't winning. Or maybe they're like, 10. Very rarely is one player singled out for abuse.

Not so for dungeons. In my early days as a Frost Mage (which is by far the most fun mage to roll), I spent the majority of the time being raged at or kicked for low dps. This didn't really bother me until I actually wanted to gear up nad play seriously. I started to feel like no one would give me a chance. I asked for tactics for one Hour of Twilight Heroic, that I was doing for the first time, so I wouldn't do something totally stupid and get kicked for it and got this as a response:

"If you don't know the tactics, you shouldn't be here. LEAVE."

Not exactly encouraging. I didn't leave but spent the entire dungeon being ragged by this wonderful guy. After that I refused to dungeon for a while. I didn't want to be singled out whilst I was trying to learn. After a bit of a push from my partner I went back in and got my iLvl high enough for Raid Finder. He sat behind me and told me what to do. Whilst many might see doing Raid Finder a mistake if you don't like being singled out, it was actually a real turning point in my game. I very quickly learned how bad my dps was thanks to recount reports. I was singled out to be kicked for doing an underwhelming 6k dps. But then, a legend wrote this in chat:

"Haha 6k dps. Leave the mage. Ice lancing like a boss!"

This raised a few laughs in the group and I didn't get kicked. I think they thought of me as like a little gnome mascot, biting ankles on my way. It was a lot of fun and allowed me to see the fights and see what other mages were doing. After that I decided to change my spec to Arcane. Not as much fun but waaaaay better dps. After doing my weekly RF plus random HoTs for Valor Points, I have managed to get my kit and my play style ready to try Dragon Soul Normal Raid. I have tried the first part up to Hagara twice and held my own with dps and using correct tactics. And this is an awesome feeling. But still I won't join pugs for fear of the old way returning. And this is silly.

So to any people who think it is ok to rage at a fellow player who is trying to progress, you suck. You are the thing that holds this game back. If wipes happen, it's not the end of the world. Blizzard will not take your account from you. Your pixels will not be obliterated. Your PC will not explode. You will just ressurrect and try again. Or not, if you rage quit. Then you will spend forever on trade chat trying to pug another group where you will more than likely rage quit again. If you are one of these people, you were not born naturally talented at WoW. You had to learn. And while some people learn faster than others, they do not have the right to abuse anyone else. Give people a chance. It won't hurt you.

If I am in a group that is slower than usual, I do a quick inspect of gear. If the gear is low, I understand. We move on and I feel good that someone has had an opportunity to try. Unless someone is being abusive or afk I don't believe in kicking. If your healer says their gear sucks, don't stand in harm's way. Try to make their job easier.

So, for anyone who has had abuse in dungeons. Don't stop doing them. Keep at it. Because when you start climbing the dps list, it stops. Then they move on to the tank...

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