Gnome Mage

Gnome Mage

Monday, 2 April 2012

I am a Secret World of Warcraft Player

Ok, it's time to admit it. I play World of Warcraft. I play it hard. So, you might be thinking, "what's the big deal?". For me it is a huge deal. World of Warcraft broke up my partner and I approximately 2 years ago. After 9 years together, a f*****g computer game broke up our relationship. Not through me playing (and I did, but not a lot). But through my partner's devotion to the game. He was obsessed! To the point where the raid came before everything except work. It was not the only thing, but it certainly played a big part in the breakup. We were apart for 18 months. And somehow we ended up back together. With terms and conditions. No Warcraft under any circumstance! But this was not to be...

Our daughter is now of an age where she no longer wants our company. She's old enough to play out with friends, chat on FaceTime, play her own computer games. So, after long and lengthy chats about acceptable usage, I caved. The poor guy was bored out of his wits! I read, sew, piss about with my PiePhone etc. all of which he does not do. He's a gamer, as was I when we first met. So, I gave in, but I had a sly plan. If I went on and had my own WoW account, then he would happily come off the PC to let me play. My intention was to limit times, without making a big deal about it. And thus, my own addiction began.

I created a Gnome.

A badass Gnome Frost Mage. It had been a long time since I had played and Azeroth has changed a lot. Also, my previous Toon was a Horde Blood Elf, so I was changing faction too. I didn't like Alliance initially (and secretly I do still favour horde, though my guild would disown me for saying it!). What I didn't realise was that I had gone from the most hated Horde race to the most hated Alliance race. But fuck the haters. My gnome is awesome and the Frost Mage spec suits me down to the ground. Especially in PvP. Where I know I am potentially the most annoying character on the field. And I live for that shit. I started gently and vowed to join no guild (I'll get to the reason why in another blog post), that I was only playing to keep my significant other from becoming an unsociable addict again.

Then I PvP'ed. Instantly I was hooked. Where else could I go to get raged at by someone on my own side, rocking a huntard? Also, I found that my spec did indeed allow me to be annoying. Make them stand still while I laced them with some Ice Lance spam (which I did not know was bad at first. It has taken me a long time to improve my game).

Then came the polymorph. The sheep, which has since become a penguin. Which has given me so much joy! Can't get out of the graveyard because the other side are camping shitheads? Fuck it, penguin them one by one for shiggles. They deserve it. And also, they look like they're wearing tuxedos. So it's win win. My partner is often amused by my Tourette's like rants at the PC while PvP'ing, but his favourite by far was my "hah! Big Tauren *insert custom curse* now teeny tiny little penguin", to myself. I might add that my rants are nerfed to ones without Tourette's whilst the little one is in the house! When only adults are present, my sweary rants are legendary. I can't help it. Rogues illicit a similar sweary rant, even now I'm a big Lvl85, with pretty good kit. They are just annoying little wankers aren't they?

So, I'll go into more detail about my Wow based exploits in my next posts. My main decision to make this blog is to meet other players. I have no one other than my partner or my guild to share amusing Wow tales with. So, it would be nice to share with like minded people. Beware though, if you are of a sensitive nature, I rant and curse quite a lot. Especially when referred to as a pink goblin...


  1. Aye, if there "must" be a gnome in our guild, then im gled its you!!! :P

    You have allready conquered a place in there, your a speciale little pink-gobl... "euh" pretty gnome!

    Just a thing that applies to you ;)
    "Veni, Vidi, Penguin"

    Hope to have many more adventures with you!
    Greetings, Rubedeus

  2. That's some big praise from my favourite Dwarf! Thank you for all your help in the guild. You guys have made WoW a fun place to be again! Love the quote ;)

    Look forward to more adventures also!

