One of my favourite parts of WoW is the farming. I live to farm. Honestly, no one farms harder than me! I find it therapeutic. Especially when I have a neat little Potion of Treasure Finding. My heart skips a beat every time a tiny chest drops. And when those tiny, cute treasure chests contain green drops and volatiles, the Enchanter/Tailor in me goes crazy! Added bonus of extra cloth drops and I'm the happiest little mage evah!
Lets get one thing straight. Annoying though the mage may be sometimes, my little gnome is made to harvest gold. With my pocket portals I can get myself to the neatest farming spots. My favourite at the moment is Stonehearth in Deepholm. Mobs close together + AoE = GOLD WIN! I can farm, on an average run, 75 bolts of embersilk, plus plenty of green drops, gold, ores and volatiles. All from those teeny, tiny treasure chests! My guild gets a share and I get the rest. To make shit and sell for a pretty penny. I do at least three runs per week here, mainly for the gold but also to go an hour without getting raged in dungeons. Though this may be counter productive as my DPS drops somewhat after being able to mindlessly create carnage for an hour...
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