Gnome Mage

Gnome Mage

Thursday, 19 April 2012

Tales from the Dark Side: My First Guild Experience

"I didn't make him for you!" - Dr Frank 'N' Furter, Rocky Horror Picture Show

When I first started to play this game over 5 years ago I joined a guild with my partner. He was always the bigger player than me and I was a bit hesitant to join an established guild because I'm a little shy and sometimes very unsociable. But he spoke well of this guild, so I thought, why not? I was a Horde back then. A really pretty Blood Elf Hunter. Now I know what people think of the Blood Elves and people who play them but as if I want an ugly Orc, or Undead, or any Horde race for that matter. I want pretty or cute. End of!

So, back to my point...

I joined the guild, who shall remain nameless, and to start with it was great. They were fun, helpful and a nice group of people. They were into raiding, which at the time I wasn't. And they seemed fine with that. We got on well and had some fun. And then it began.

I seemed to be somewhat lacking in dungeons. I wasn't great at it I'll admit. Also, I lose any sort of function as soon as I get raged at. Which happened a lot. So I asked for some help in guild as the leader had a hunter too. At first the help was good. Not too invasive, mainly tips and hints. I was thankful for those, as my gameplay improved. Then he asked to meet up to have a look at my kit. I agreed and we met up. All of a sudden my Belf turned into something I didn't recognise. My kit was changed, I had to change my bow to a gun and I was told my pet had to go. This was before the days of transmogs etc, so my character looked terrible (a big thing for me) and I didn't want a bloody warthog running behind me. It seems petty but I felt like my character wasn't mine anymore but if I was to participate in the guild then I would have to keep these changes. And to do all this took until 5am!! Even though I kept trying to politely leave without causing offence.

After that, more orders were given and I didn't like it one bit. A game I enjoyed as some time away from the stresses of work and home turned into another job. And really crappy job, where the boss shouts at you constantly. Around this time, my partner became a 'serious' raider. The raid time were specific and not always in keeping with our RL plans. I started finding that things we had planned were cancelled so that the guild was kept happy. This made me a grumpy bear. I'm all for playing a game in your free time but when it starts to affect your RL it's just not cool. Cue, lots of arguments. This killed the game for me completely. I stopped playing immediately. It wasn't fun but yet it had taken over our lives. So, for me it had to go. Unfortunately this was not the same for my partner. Though after a few months of getting the same treatment he left too.

How I see it (and it may be a selfish view), I don't pay my subscription for someone else to play my game. I don't go on the game to get shouted at for wearing less than desirable kit. It's a learning curve, and I like to actually learn. Rather than just having kit thrown at me and told from now on I have to wear it, I want to earn it or make the decision to buy the best I can to progress. I want to make my own mistakes. While help is nice, sometimes it's too much.

Having come back to the game and changing factions I vowed to join no other guild. Again, this soon changed. My partner had joined a guild and I thought it would be nice to try again. Fortunately, this guild is fantastic. A great mix of people, who are kind, fun, helpful (in a constructive way), encouraging and not too stressed if you make mistakes. We have lots of laughs (Flowers for Morchok anyone? Or guild birthday parties!). They have enabled me to grow as a player and want to try raids, which is something I would never have done before. They have helped me to grow in confidence so I now feel that I can hold my own in a raid or dungeon and this has made me dedicated to progression in my game. I now check guides and try to build the best character I possibly can, so that I will one day be a good addition to any guild raids. I still have a long way to go but without their presence I wouldn't have even begun. I have a place now and it's firmly with this guild.

So, a huggggee thank you to the Stone Dragons of Argent Dawn. For making the game fun again!

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