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Soon I found myself falling into a deep, peaceful sleep. One that I had needed for so long..
The bright sun shone down on my face. I rolled over to see a small animal running towards me. His eyes red, as though he had been crying for days. He said to me, 'My name is Socks and I need your help. Seek out the Short Bearded Paladin who shines like the sun to avenge Gizmo's death!'. Then he vanished. It was then I knew I was dreaming. I had met Socks before but he was turned into Jade by the Jade Witch, so this could not be real life! I, erm, might have abandoned the quest that released him from the Jade so I could go farm windwool and fish. So, because of my guilt at letting him become a lawn decoration (don't even go there readers...I'm sitting in no gardens), I decided to seek out the Paladin of which he spoke.
I woke up, bleary eyed but dedicated to fulfilling Socks' request. But where would I find such a Paladin? I thought of my dream. Socks had told me the Paladin was short and bearded. This can only mean one thing. Dwarf! My search would begin at Ironforge. I transported myself immediately by portal, because I'm too damn lazy to fly.
I went straight to the top. The mission was of utmost importance. To the High Seat I went. I stormed past the guards and looked Muradin Bronzebeard in the eye. I told him of my quest. He responded with, 'sod off, y'er little bastard' in his Scottish drawl before the guards manhandled me and threw me into the corridor. I get the feeling dwarfs don't like gnomes very much...
Dusting myself off, I decided to ask a kindly looking Blacksmith. By this point I did not care if dwarves hated me or not. Gizmo needed to be avenged. Fortunately, this particular dwarf looked upon my cute face and took pity on me. But he requested a price for this information. I had to do a /train for him and his friends. I took a deep breath, knowing the scorn my high pitched 'chugga chugga choo choo' would cause. I did it and the whole place erupted with belly laughs and 'wtf's'. When he eventually composed himself and changed his pants (dwarves have bladder control 'issues'), he told me a Paladin fitting my description had passed through not long ago to use his forge. He did not know where he had gone but he said his armour was the finest he had ever seen! On I went, disappointed with my venture...
I went to Karanos next but they had not seen nor heard of the Paladin I was looking for. My search seemed futile. On a hunch I decided to go to Tinker Town to ask there. I had a feeling in my gut that this dwarf had a soft spot for gnomes but couldn't express it due to his races' prejudice towards us, lest he be mocked for being a 'gnome sympathiser'.
I asked all around town until someone pointed me here. They told me they had seen a dwarf fitting my description 'chilling' in the coolest house in town. So cool, in fact, that they all wore sunglasses...inside. I walked in, in my garish red outfit, like a boss. They sat, staring at me behind their expensive branded sunglasses. I demanded they tell me of this dwarf immediately. In a slightly drunk sounding voice, one of them said, 'yeah dude, we partied with him. Dwarf can drink!'. Ok, we were getting somewhere. I calmly asked what he had said and that the killers of Gizmo must be avenged. The gnome on the bunk looked up and replied, 'chill dude...!'. I stopped him right there...'chill dude?? I will Ice Lance you to the face if you don't tell me where he went. This dwarf is the only one who can stop Socks haunting my dreams!'. The gnome shook so hard, he almost fell off his trendy modular bunk. 'Ok, Ok, he said he was going to find an epic Golden Axe to go with his perfect Golden Armor. He said he would farm that dungeon until the bloody thing dropped and transmog the axe he had with better stats into something more awesome looking because Cataclysm gear is ugly'. I knew then that this was the dwarf I was looking for. Socks said he shined like the sun...golden armor. It all fits. So, I went the only place I knew I would find him. Stormwind City.
And here I waited. I know that one day he will return. When the time is right, he will be here. And then I will give him his task. Rubedeus, Socks needs you. Put on your Golden Armor, hunt down Gizmo's murderers and slay them all. Then drinks and cake, ok? :)
Word has reached my ears that you are in need of my service? i must admit the rumours i'v heard arn't making that mutch sence. i must hear it from the sorce. tell me where i can reach you and wil have a beer in te golden keg, and talk things over. somehow i fele drown to the quest...
Thank goodness you are here now! Finally you might be able to help me get Socks out of my dreams. I shall tell you all over a beer at the usual time. Though just one...no more throwing up in The Golden Keg for me!