Well, thanks to the wonders of modern technology, I now have the ability to talk to guildies. I know, I know, it's been there a while but due to not having the correct set up (mic, headphones that actually work, etc), plus the fact that my PC is located in my living room where my lil family sit most of the evening, I had not done it.
This changed when my partner was told that to raid with his guild, TeamSpeak was a requirement. So we set about figuring this out. I found that there was a fancy, sparkly TeamSpeak app for iPhone! I downloaded and watched him raid. I decided he was not going to have all the fun, so I downloaded Ventrilo onto my iPhone so I could do the same.
And what a fantastic decision! I imagine this is how cavemen felt when they made fire. Though, it is somewhat addictive. I want to talk, like, all the time now. But I get so easily distracted that I all I can manage to do is fish while I talk. And that's when I can manage to talk. Today ended up in a complete giggle fit that I could not bring myself out of. Largely due to some Muppets, a Swedish Chef and some very funny guildmates! My ribs have only just recovered! And I can't promise that next time I'm on I won't giggle that hard again. Once I start, that's it! Though I will try to actually speak next time!
Here is a mini guide to my odd regional accent for those who may need it. I will try to speak standard English as much as I can but occasionally I may break into 'full Yorkshire', especially if I am playing/swearing/doing anything more difficult than cooking. So here goes:
Daarn = Down
Gooin = Going
Nar = Now (sometimes I switch between the two in the same conversation. Usually when I realise I have said 'nar')
wunt = Wouldn't
Bin = Been
Mi = My
Ome = Home
We do not say 'h' at the beginning of words. Though I try my best to, sometimes I may forget. So 'Hearthstone would become 'Arthstone'.
I'll add more to when I think of them!
Thanks for the giggles :)
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