Gnome Mage

Gnome Mage

Wednesday, 30 October 2013

I Need Help!

Stone Dragons Guild

I was sent here by my good friend, Icklegem. She told me you guys were the people to come to for help. I need a few of you to help me to find my crazy, old grandma. She's been missing a few days now. The last that anyone heard she had gone to Karazhan to find a ring that was stolen from her. No one has heard anything since and I am very, very worried. We have had trouble from the Big Bad Wolf in the past and I fear he might have gone there after her. She's pretty senile now and easily confused, so she might be easily tricked by him.

I am too afraid to go there alone. Especially around this time of year. I hear that it's a bad place. One tale tells of a huge dragon that once ate a gnome whole. It makes me very nervous. So please, meet me there if you can and help me find my dear old granny. I'll be waiting.

Little Red Riding Nub
(Grandma gave me the name, silly old bird)


  1. Yeah we did it we did it..
    although granny changed back into a wolf mighty often...

    1. Huge thanks to you all! Granny seems to have a little wolf in her...I should have guessed from the constant wet dog smell!

  2. Glad you found crazy old granny!

  3. Thanks Tualsia! Penthea, you really should check out Tualsia's blog too! *Points to Ecologyescapades* :)
