Gnome Mage

Gnome Mage

Tuesday, 16 April 2013

Tron Party!

On Sunday, my lil one (or not so lil now) levelled up to 12! We had a quiet day, in readiness for the birthday girl's Laser Tag event last night. Which was an epic idea! Even though 3 games nigh on killed me. Nothing like chasing round a bunch of kids for two hours to prove how unfit you are! So with eight 10-12 year olds (almost all taller than me), a ton of UV paint and ninja transmogs on, off we went.

We painted up ready for battle and this was the result,. Which looked awesome under the UV lights but got us some funny looks in daylight:

Releasing my inner drag queen
Easy targets ;)

Now, first game we were all together as a team. Against a bunch of 6 year olds. Which was awkward. None of us wanted to make them cry. Until that is, one little angelic boy walked up to me and said, "don't shoot! My pack isn't working!" So, I was all awww, let me take a look. Then he shot me, laughed and ran off. To shouts from me of, "you better hide! You're going down, Steel!!!!" Tricky little bugger! So, from then it was game on. Instead of my usual trick of staying high and sniping them down, I went for bases and took two, that were guarded by lazy adults hiding from kids. I took 44 hits...most of them from Steel doing his midget Terminator impression. But we won the first game and the second.

To even things up, we changed the teams around so there was a mix of tiny people and tall people. And everyone was painted with the left over UV paint. Which made targetting a bit harder. I immediately gained a new arena partner. I got a pull on the back of my shirt from a little gnome...erm I mean boy... who wanted to come with me. Together we formed an unstoppable team. He would trick them with cuteness while I shot them from behind a wall, or I would go out as bait and cover with laser fire while he ran to a new spot to get the best shots at a bunch of girls hiding together. Cue high (or low, in our case) five's and air punches! We threw in a bit of comedy dramatic falls to the floor as we got shot and laughed in the faces of people we took down. Epic teamwork! 

The evening was a lot of fun that all enjoyed. Even though it took me 8 hours sleep to get over, and am left with aching muscles that I didn't know I had.

1 comment:


    Silly walking over the internet, and i found this,
    dont bite ankles please'.
