Gnome Mage

Gnome Mage

Saturday, 27 September 2014

Weekly Kodak Update

Beer Hat! Now I just need the shanker for my drunken gnome to look complete!

Hey! Guys! Break it up already! Stop the madness!

*Sandstone Drake* I am tiny! Hear me roar!

Hide and seek in Guo Lai Halls!

Saturday Night Secret Sharing

I haven't been having my usual, drunk, old late night Saturday sessions for a while now. It used to be PvP night for me but since I lost my passion for the mage, I haven't felt the urge to stay up grinding bgs for gear I won't use. But tonight I had a good long session and made a new friend. Now, by general rule I don't talk much outside my guild. Because amongst the last few conversations, I've been called a 'fucker' and someone I talked to whispered me non stop, then declared an urge to 'pound that cute gnome ass all night'. My gnome didn't like that idea much...

But tonight I accidentally invited someone I meant to inspect to party. Both of us were farming Korkron Lumber area but for different things. Usually I'm all on my own up there, so I was surprised to see another mage. And I wanted to inspect for ideas with my mage's build as they were doing a pretty good job of nuking the mobs down. What started as another of my usual click fails ended in a great time sharing farming tips! And everyone knows how much I love to farm. New places to make golds in my professions are always welcome! And they went away with a ton of new places to farm too. So it was win win all round. It really made a nice change to talk shop with a fellow farmer.

I also did rf on my mage, which is something I have been avoiding for a while now. But I'm almost at the cloak, so I might as well get those last stones while the Prince gazes upon me. And get them I did! 100% drop! Still made me want to smash my PC up at times but the reward slightly outweighed the anger and frustration that rf brings. All in all, not a bad night. I even feel the urge to PvP again. So all those cows best watch out! And my Loremaster is going well. The Twilight Highlands quests made me giggle so hard. I can't believe I missed out on them before!