Gnome Mage

Gnome Mage

Tuesday, 18 November 2014

How Many 'Awesomes' Can I get In One Post?

After days of 3k queues, tonight I logged in to this!

And it was awesome! And 5 days free play? And winner of my guild's member's choice transmog award! Tonight has been awesome. Giggly little gnomie is giggly! I even managed some solo Firelands. Which previously was an epic shitstorm for me. Alysrazor's super saiyan ground level flashy lights always left me feeling ill but tonight I managed to kick it's ass. Alone! 

Tomorrow I will work on some other gnomie to get her ready to PvP again soon. Wheeeeeee, Warlords of Draenor is beginning to look awesome!

Monday, 17 November 2014

Sleep Tight, Hope the Bed Bugs Don't Bite

I finally got into Draenor this evening. A few glitchy Garrison episodes and some toad squeezing later and I'm all ready for bed. Giant flower picking is very tiring.
Where am I supposed to keep that?
My Garrison feels a little busy and there's random dudes in the barracks so I picked a spot outside to rest my weary lil gnomie head. Night night folks!

This place could do with some work...

Last Memories of Pandaria

Sooooo satisfying when they form a death queue!

Uhmmm are you sure about this, Wrathion?

Nanananana Bat Gnomie!

They'll bend the knee or I'll destroy them

Waaah so cute, huge me!

Final plank of Pandaria with my good friend, Penthea!

A New Beginning

And so it has begun. A new world, a new challenge. The world of Draenor awaits. My queue is looong but so far I've found it worth the wait. I've played a total of about 3 hours and spent countless hours in queue before giving up. But for the little time I've been there, I've enjoyed it. The world is not as much to my taste as Pandaria but it's pretty nontheless. And the quests so far have been fun. But the thing I love most so far is setting up my garrison. I have 3 followers. Brave ones. Possibly the bravest in all Draenor! And I shall send them on allll of the quests! I love the idea of the garrisons very much. But aside from that there is not much to tell. Soon though, there will be a wealth of tales to share!

Whoot! I found a pretty, pink shiny

You no can haz my shiny

Sunday, 19 October 2014

Aaaaand Breathe!

So, I've given the new patch a few days to settle before I posted again. Sadly, I still feel the same about my gnomies. I don't think that will change. My monk is not too bad, she can carry bitch face, but my mage not so much. Though when they are asleep or dead they look really great. Just a shame that didn't carry over.

Sleeping Beauty

After my overwhelmingly negative reaction I thought I should post about some of the positives! I love, love the new male dwarves. They look absolutely awesome...and ripped! Really impressed with the changes made there. I love that my frost mage is all frost now (and that I don't have to take Living Bomb) but I dislike that I can't have Mirror Image as a standard spell. I miss Alter Time a huge amount, though it has caused me many a death (landing back in Thunderstruck, anyone?), I absolutely loved that talent. Brilliant for PvP too, imho. Movement seems way more fluid and smooth now. I do feel a bit like I'm doing a 3 button smash when DPS'ing, which I'm not a fan of but I guess when I play more and have a rotation that will change. 

Anyway, back in I go! More updates to follow!

Saturday, 27 September 2014

Weekly Kodak Update

Beer Hat! Now I just need the shanker for my drunken gnome to look complete!

Hey! Guys! Break it up already! Stop the madness!

*Sandstone Drake* I am tiny! Hear me roar!

Hide and seek in Guo Lai Halls!

Saturday Night Secret Sharing

I haven't been having my usual, drunk, old late night Saturday sessions for a while now. It used to be PvP night for me but since I lost my passion for the mage, I haven't felt the urge to stay up grinding bgs for gear I won't use. But tonight I had a good long session and made a new friend. Now, by general rule I don't talk much outside my guild. Because amongst the last few conversations, I've been called a 'fucker' and someone I talked to whispered me non stop, then declared an urge to 'pound that cute gnome ass all night'. My gnome didn't like that idea much...

But tonight I accidentally invited someone I meant to inspect to party. Both of us were farming Korkron Lumber area but for different things. Usually I'm all on my own up there, so I was surprised to see another mage. And I wanted to inspect for ideas with my mage's build as they were doing a pretty good job of nuking the mobs down. What started as another of my usual click fails ended in a great time sharing farming tips! And everyone knows how much I love to farm. New places to make golds in my professions are always welcome! And they went away with a ton of new places to farm too. So it was win win all round. It really made a nice change to talk shop with a fellow farmer.

I also did rf on my mage, which is something I have been avoiding for a while now. But I'm almost at the cloak, so I might as well get those last stones while the Prince gazes upon me. And get them I did! 100% drop! Still made me want to smash my PC up at times but the reward slightly outweighed the anger and frustration that rf brings. All in all, not a bad night. I even feel the urge to PvP again. So all those cows best watch out! And my Loremaster is going well. The Twilight Highlands quests made me giggle so hard. I can't believe I missed out on them before!

Sunday, 31 August 2014

And for My Next Trick...

After much deliberation, my fluffy fat panda shed some fur and podge and became a cute lil gnomie! And she is so cute I could just die. I haven't always been settled with my panda. I just couldn't get to grips with being so big and clumsy looking. But now I'm back to my true self. Gnome to the bone! She's very much like her sister gnomie, Icklegem, in appearance granted, but way more chill. She's so cute when she casts her healing snot and when she calmly meditates before blasting the enemy with her Crackling Jade Lightning, that I don't care. She will also dual spec as a barrel chucker or Brewmaster, as they are more commonly known. I like the idea of a teeny tiny gnomie throwing barrels bigger than her!

Welcome Anèira, funky lil monkie

Saturday, 14 June 2014

My Worst Nightmare

*weeps* I'm a f**king pink goblin. No one will ever take me seriously now


My child confessed something to me tonight...she went from frost to fire! I'm considering adoption. I'm hoping it's just a phase or 'experimentation'. She'll come back to frost, I know it. Otherwise, a certain Fire mage in my guild will be getting a lodger! She's house trained at least, so you just have to put up with the rest of teenage awesomeness!

In other news, I tried Celestials on my gnome. Why, I do not know. Maybe I'm a masochist. Maybe I like going there on my PvP char to get duplicate copies of my PvE gloves on a roll of a seal. But arrrrrrggggghhhhh! PvE gloves???? And PvP gear on Snowflake???? F**k you, loot gods. Seriously.

Friday, 16 May 2014

That Was a Long BRB

It's been a looooong time since I posted here. Lots of things going on but I'll try to get back in the swing of things! My little Snowflake is now all growed up. A big lvl 90, chubby panda monk. Her healing is a little better but still, quite the nub she is! I do love playing her though and she's now become my PvE main. I never thought I'd say it....but I fucking love dungeons and RF (well, sometimes)! I've given up on the cloak on Icklegem, as I really can't be arsed, or have the time, to do all the RF on both. So, hopefully, Snowflake will get it before the next expansion hits. Oh and the herbing and mining...I could do those all day and not get bored. Sad I know, but makes a change from fishing! I could still use a ton of gear on her but I'm really not a fan of Siege of Orgrimmar. It takes waaaay too long to even do one part, that I lose the will to live after two. And still too chicken to try flex. But she's catching up, slowly but surely. Even with her Terrace of Endless Springs weapon...

Smile for the nice people reading this, Snowflake. Or just me
My tiny gnomie is mainly PvP now. My late sat night sessions have not been so frequent lately but I'm hoping to get in there again with her soon for some BG throwdowns! She's quite awesome at killing hordies, not so much at pew pewing bosses. And it's kinda nice to have the two separated, Even if I do keep trying to throw down my statue or cast renewing mists when I'm a bloody mage. I dread to think if I try to level a third. I'll feel schizophrenic. For now, these little ones have my heart. I've decided to start a project with my gnomie though, to see allll of Azeroth! I will get that Loremaster title. I chose my gnomie for this challenge because I'm still too lazy to fly. And will spend most of my time getting on wrong boats, falling of massive, giant, huge trees etc if I do it on my panda. I hope that I'll find some fun places to quest and see all the things that I was too lazy to do the first time round ;) Oh and this...

I have wanted Tarecgosa's Rest since Cata and now I'm halfway there (I think?). Though sometimes I have to be pushed a little to do it every week. I have the concentration span of a gnat, it's true. But thanks to awesome guildies, the runs are fast and pain free and soon I will be a big dragon above SW!

Hopefully, I'll be here a little more with interesting tales of my adventures around Azeroth! Or rants...or both! Thanks for reading. Till soon!

PS: My PvP mog came before Daenerys Targaryen. She stole it from me!