Gnome Mage

Gnome Mage

Monday, 3 June 2013

Achievement Earned: Mog Trolling

I've been looking for a PvE mog for a while. I love my black mog, like my lil Gnomish brother's. But I wanted a change. Something similar to my PvP mog. I called upon my stylist, the Dwarf for help. We spent a very long time deliberating, but in the end couldn't decide between a red mog, or a purple and white one. I will be switching to Arcane again soon for PvE, so I felt like the purple would go nicely with my spells. A few nights later I got the pieces for that kit, when I was unable to sleep and decided that was a definite. But here I decided to have a lil fun. My stylist is very, very into mogs and will not be seen with me if my cape doesn't quite match, or I haven't been to mog my new boots etc. He can't stand it. So I decided to put together the most hideous collection of items to troll him. Every piece was mismatching, slutty, or just wrong on a gnome. Then before we started ICC I unveiled my new look. After talking in Guild chat about how my stylist influenced my choices so much and how thankful I was to have someone to help me make such awesome style choices. Then I showed him this in the most serious manner possible :

Slutty Gnome, I call it!

To screams of pain from my dwarven stylist! Mission accomplished! But here is my actual mog. Which I like very much!

Planking: ICC Edition

After a heavy battle with the Lich King, the only thing left to do is indulge in some planking. I'm not sure which was hardest. Killing the Lich King on 25 man Heroic or managing not to fall off the edge?

Many deaths later, Penthea and I managed this shot. Yay!

Poll: Are Gnomes Hated in Argent Dawn?

Again while doing the Barrens quests, this time as assistance, I got myself into trouble. We were killing the elites there when I saw some PvP flagged Horde. I saw a DK killing Ally players so I thought hmmmm, shall I kill it? The answer to this is always yes. Especially DK's. And especially since I had a lovely Priest healing me and equally as excited to kill some nasty, smelly Hordies. After he went down we spotted a belf Paladin also asking for a kicking. So we did. But it wasn't just me! There were more people hitting it. Sadly, it died. A few minutes later I got a whisper asking why the f**k I killed it. Then again, the same question. So I said, sorry bad aim. And then the abuse began. Some of my favourites:

I never hit you, why the f**k did you hit me?
I was f**king healing the group. Not my fault if some things hit you.
F**k off you stupid retarded gnome. No one likes gnomes on this realm anyway.

To much lolling from me. Exactly how butthurt do you have to be to log onto an Alliance alt to give someone abuse? The last one was my favourite. Swearing not working? Tell someone their race is hated on this realm. Awww, someone please give this Belf a /hug. He must have really felt it.

But I beg to differ. Aside from a few jokes, I get a lot of love on AD. Usually nice, sometimes a bit scary. But still, I haven't found anyone that really hates me because I'm a gnome yet. Except this guy. But it has made me curious. Was he talking fact, or just from his butt? I know I like gnomes. So, ner ner /rude.

Sightseeing in Orgrimmar

It's been a while since I went to Orgrimmar. I briefly popped there to sing carols at Christmas and to land a fish once but I haven't walked around there sinc my days as a Belf. And even then I hated it with a passion. Now though, I get the feeling they don't want a gnome in there. Might be all the guards that rush me when I do visit. I don't know...

I've been doing the Barrens quests (which I love, by the way) weekly for the 200 valor. Sometimes I have to take the dwarf with me. He comes in really handy for taking the damage and flying me around. Because I really am too lazy to fly. It's great. We have lots of fun while we kill orcs and collect various materials. Unless the dwarf is in full troll mode. Post mission, we did a little sightseeing. With what I thought was a fly over Orgrimmar. Until I was dropped on a roof. I sat there happily chatting away until I heard him do a count down. I am such a foolish lil gnome that I didn't realise that the countdown was for the flying guards headed my way. They landed, 3 of them, and I killed them dead. All the way dead. And /roar over their dead bodies. Then I hopped back on my dwarvish friend for what I thought was a flight out of there. Until I heard: "no, I shouldn't do it. That would be mean". So like an idiot I said go ahead and do it. It can't be that bad, right? It was. He dropped me in the Trade District, PvP flagged, where every horde (or so it felt like) in Orgrimmar descended upon me. I was fast getting my butt kicked when I shouted out for heals and help. It was then I learned about bubble hearth. He was sat in Shrine, giggling while I was getting the crap beat out of me! I died fast. Very fast. It took me 3 deaths to get out of Orgrimmar. Lots of swearing and cursing. I had to jump into Southfury river because instead of running back through the gates I panicked and ran further into Orgrimmar and managed to pull every guard there. And that was after running from Durotar every death. Then when I finally got away and back to Pandaland, he dropped me in the Horde Shrine while I was looking away from the PC. Sigh, I'll never learn. But I have to admit, although I was swearing a lot I had a lot of fun. I like a challenge. Even if I get my ass kicked all the way back to Gnomeregan!

But if the dwarf thinks he has escaped punishment, then he is wrong. So very wrong. It's coming. I just have to find something suitably evil, mwuhuhaha