Gnome Mage

Gnome Mage

Wednesday 29 May 2013

Late Night Conversations With My Mini-Me

My daughter plays WoW. While she's not always sure on everything she's doing, she's quite happy to set up a Sha group, go to RF alone or pew pew Oondasta. Which is awesome for a small one. But the two best things about her playing are the way she shouts at the screen when she's in a BG and conversations we randomly have when she gets up late at night. I was stood in Shrine, watching some mages on the dummies while I was chatting to one of my friends. Little one comes down for a drink, sees this and conversation goes as follows, in the most serious tone I've ever heard from her:

Awww mum, I'm such a duggie!!
Obviously, but why this time?
You know those things (dummies). Well I tried to kill one one day. I proper tried to kill it. Used all my spells and everything!
Oh yeah, I was stood there for like 20 mins trying to kill it. Until I realised they don't die. Did a massive facepalm then RP walked away.

Cue a major giggle fit from the pair of us. Nice work, small one. Tried to kill a dummy? Yep, she's definitely my child! Death to all dummies!! 

Wednesday 15 May 2013

Whooo, I'm Awesome!

There's been some tough times here in Gnome Towers lately. But thankfully, I have some good friends to turn to for support and to cheer me up when I'm down. Last night I heard THE best impression anyone has ever done of me. I almost passed out from laughing. Using Ai-Li's Skymirror to turn into me, my dwarfish friend did a vent run through of my most commonly used phrases, in the most high pitched voice you ever heard. Highlights include:

  • Look at me, I'm AnyaRose. I'm awesome!
  • Lalala I'm in the AH/bank/Trade District
  • Squeee!
  • *Giggle, giggle, giggle, giggle*
  • I'm killing hordies! 
  • Slutty Draenei/Belf/Human, I call it! 
  • Duggie!
  • Whooo look at me, I'm awesome! (I do say that a LOT, but I'm a gnome. It's allowed)
  • I'm gonna faceplant this keyboard so hard soon if I don't sleep
  • Oh, I am totally gonna do that!
  • Whatevah
  • True story! Fact even!
There were many more that I can't remember now. But one thing is for sure. If that's how I talk, I must be a real pain in the ass in vent! I totally overuse the word totally! My Yorkshire is getting a little stronger lately, making me incomprehensible at times. I know, it'll pass when I'm less tired and stressed. Then I can go back to being a giggly lil trolling gnome. Or get serious and ready for raiding!

Huge thank you! 

Serious Gnome is Serious!

Yes, it's happening. No more shall I be all 'lalala, I'm a gnome and I'm awesome'. I'm going to be all serious gnome from now on! I'm in training to be raid ready in a few weeks. Cue epic montage music, clips of gnome press-ups and running till I'm all sweaty. In my mind...

So, I need to get my ilvl up to 500 to try to raid. Tonight I managed to replace my 476 gloves with the sparkly, Flameweaver Handwraps by getting Honored with Shadowpan Assault. I was only a teeny bit away, so one part of ToT RF got me there. In that RF run I dropped two pieces of loot. Because it seems I'm quite lucky on the loot drops! Or not. I dropped 2 chest pieces. And then this little rant happened (disclaimer: it's a foul mouthed Yorkshire accented rant about two octaves lower than my normal voice):

"Two Chest pieces, Blizzard. Two f**king chest pieces! Are you f**king kidding me. You absolute f**king shitheads! Why the f**k would I need two f**king chest pieces??? Argggh, I hate you!!!"

Then I drank tea and made silk while I shed a tear for my lost coins.

Now this is a common theme in my loot drops. I drop loot nearly every time I go somewhere, RF, Sha etc. But it's always the same stuff. When I use a coin I get exactly the same item as I looted or something very similar. Waste of coins, and makes me lose my calm, gnomish mind completely. Thankfully, I was out of vent and had no one around to hear me sound like Gordon 'F**king' Ramsey. I know I'm not alone on this. But seriously, I'm trying to stop cursing, Blizzard. So why do you make it so hard for me?

But I'm up to 496 now in just over an hour. Now to get the golds to buy the Haunting Spirits I need to make a 522 headpiece and hopefully some new shoes. Only need about 100k. Easy... *makes more tea*. Hopefully some shinies might drop before then. Hopefully. More than likely another chest piece.