It's been a while since my last post. I've been crazy busy with work for the last few weeks. And I've been doing lots of things in WoW too! Busy little bee I have been! I'm squeezing this little post in on a break from doing work! But I have so much to say, I don't know where to start!
I'm doing arena's again! With my shiny new Dwarf Paladin arena partner! Who very kindly offered to go with me so I could gear up faster than at a snail pace in BG's. And we are awesome! Aside from the fact that we are incredibly handsome, witty and have the most beautiful outfits, we also kick ass! Who says Dwarfs and Gnomes can't be friends? I hit my conquest cap for the first time ever last week. And spent it all on new a Malevolent robe, which I will mog into my most favourite transmog EVAH! (More on that later!). Still struggling with a few classes though. Especially BM Hunters and Disco Priests. The look of horror on my face when all those beasties pop out, I'm sure would amuse many. I get confused, panic, the whole works. I duelled my friend's Hunter for practice and got my ass squarely kicked. But last night, we faced 2 of the swines in an arena and decided enough was enough! We nuked them into the floor with speed and precision. Ok, that's a lie (from my side anyway)...I just hit every button I had and hoped for the best! But it worked, they died and everyone was happy. Take that, BM Hunters! Priests, still have no clue with but I'm sure someone would be kind enough to let me practice on them soon, maybe? I'm enjoying these arena's sooo much, it's all I want to do. All the time! Impatient lil gnomie is impatient. MOAR ARENAS!!
I've also been RP'ing a little, with my gnome brother and our Paladin protector. Well, I say protector but so far he managed to almost get me in a duel with a fully PVP geared Holy Paladin. I mean, maybe I started it after the Holy Pala said he wanted to put me in a bag because I was cute and he was rude to my girls. And I got mad and threatened all kinds of gnomish evil. Ankle biting, the lot! But my Paladin friend totally encouraged a duel. I was up for it, after doing a quick inspect, until the bastard popped his other gear on. I thought, 'oooh, pretty mog', then did an inspect, then almost had a bladder accident. Full purple PvP gear?? I've never backed up so fast in my life. Especially when his equally geared Guild friends came too. The whispers I was getting were very amusing. I seem to drop into a lot of random RP encounters lately. And I'm rather enjoying them! Hugs from other gnomies, arguments with gnomie haters, even a little bit in a BG. Not too much though. Too busy killing or being killed to talk in BG's!
And the Squeeegnomie is no more, sadly. Until Winterveil comes round again. If I summon her, she gets angry, then disappears. But if I keep her summoned she reappears every time I get off my mount or go to a new area. And every time, she sounds angrier! So I like to do that a lot!
Squeegnomie, that's EXACTLY what I do all year and you know it. |
She's such a cute little ball of rage. But now I have a new favourite! Introducing...
Baby Lei Shi!!! |
Isn't she the sweetest?? My favourite boss ever and now I have the baby version!! I just want to play hide and seek all day with her. I keep poking her so she makes those adorable noises *dies*. And she matches my Elemental and transmog perfectly! By the way, isn't my new PvP transmog beeeeauttiful?? I feel like a grown up, pretty gnomie when I'm dealing out frosty death to Hordies now! My favourite transmog yet. And I did go get all the pieces, like a good gnomie, instead of just buying them *nods*, yes I did!
But for now I must get back to work, so I'm finished in time for Friday night RF with my guildie friends. Just to confirm, I will be having a drink this evening before the mother-in-law descends on us for 3 days. So apologies to all in advance. I may stand in every death pool, or blindly run around, or just giggle a ton. But it will be fun, I hope!
Bye bye!