My little, gnome Mage related World of Warcraft blog. Penguin obsessed, ball of rage!
Gnome Mage

Saturday, 29 December 2012
Sort It Out, Blizzard! I Needs My Off hand!
Friday, 28 December 2012
Happy New Gear!
Usually I don't bother with the World Event achievements, unless there's a mount or something pretty, because I'm super lazy and there are too many Hordies that need to die. But these ones looked like a little bit of fun. I decided that the first I would do is 'A-Caroling We Will Go'. Yes, not the easiest one but having portals makes the journey a little shorter. And I like visiting Horde cities. Even if the guards don't like me. I went to Silvermoon first, thinking it would be the nicest (since I do love the belfs). I thought they might welcome me wrong I was!
For a start, it's been a long time since I've been to Silvermoon. Years in fact, and I totally lost my way. Gnomish GPS wasn't working so I had to consult the wisdom of Google to get me there. When I finally made it (after an Isle of Quel'Danas fail. You can't get to it from there), I though I'd just fly in and Boom, sing a nice song. Wrong again. No flying there. Which meant I had to run in from Fairbreeze Village, avoid the guards and Hordies dueling (I was PvP flagged). By accident I ran into some lvl95 guards and they pummeled me into the floor in seconds. Rezzed and started again, only with red gear. Consulting the great and wise Google again, I read a guide that said to go in naked to prevent my gear taking a hit and costing me a small fortune to repair. And this totally sounded like a great idea anyway! Nude carol singing? I'm in! Using my Mage Invisibility I stealthed past the guards this time. But I forgot about the guards at the entrance. So I had to wait at the gates while it cooled down. Now, I'm not scared of Hordies but I must admit I was hoping no lvl90's decided to pick a fight! Instead a belf disguised as a Gnome (Winter Wondervault Machine) came and stood next to me. We had a little emote chat, that gave me the giggles at the confused belf. 'Yes, I'm a real are not. But you are much cuter this way' etc. I just wish I'd remembered to use my Orb of the Sin'dorei to really confuse them. As if talking to a naked gnome wasn't confusing enough! By the time I was ready to stealth in I had a little crowd with me that followed me in to watch me sing to the guards while they killed me to death. It was a lot of fun!
The rest of the cities were easy. I could fly in all and get the song out in a safe spot just inside the walls. Though I did get licked by an Undead, which I'm still trying to wash off now.
I had so much fun in Silvermoon that I was thinking of trying to get some guildies together for a screenie there. Maybe a fun little event? Anyone still needing the achie would get it and maybe a prize for whoever gets the furthest in? Also, feel free to throw a handful of snowflakes at me. A) I love snow and B) Gnome Mage is on the list, yay! So, do it!
Tuesday, 25 December 2012
Power Naps Are Bad!
After a really busy day I made the epic mistake of having a power nap at 6pm. I'm getting old now so I need a nap sometime in the day. But unfortunately, it's 3am and I'm all Super Saiyan *cue flashing colours and air punches*. I'm considering some BG's but I think this will have me up until the birds are singing. So, what to do...?
Christmas day was great. Lots of fun, gifts and merriment with family and friends. I showed my little one I'm not so untrendy by buying her a dress that she looks beautiful and all grown up in *cry* and everything else she asked for. I have a super new onesie (I look like a giant baby), and a very pretty new bracelet in my favourite colour. Which were the best gifts ever! In game, we had a party for our guild Christmas baby and my favourite dwarf! Which was lovely and fun and an extra special Christmas day treat. Celebrating happy times with my favourite people was awesomely brilliant! Though it was brief, I hope everyone enjoyed it as much as I did! And Happy Birthday again, Santa Dwarf! I hope it was a super special day for you :)
The end of the night did not go so well. One of my favourite people left the guild and this made me very sad. If you ever read this, come back any time. We miss you already. Who is going to encourage us to slay Orcs so much! Or melt faces so well? Or RAGGGGE in PvP as much as me? I understand why but don't stay away forever. Until you come back I'll kill as many Orcs as I can find. Taurens will be safe for now. I'll throw a flag or tower just to kill an Orc as I see it pass. I will pop a Frost Bomb in their pocket then kick it as hard as my lil killer gnomie legs can manage! I'll use blink purely for a good run up! I won't even penguin again for's full on WAR. Maybe even a macro to remind them who sent me ;). And the little Shadow Priest in training will receive all I remember of what a priest needs to InstaB00M. We're gonna pew pew really well!
Until soon /hugs to all!
Sunday, 23 December 2012
Merry Christmas from Happy, Happy SqueeGnomie!
Well, the world didn't end and it's almost Christmas. Almost. I thought I'd do a quick blog post while taking a break from the epic task of wrapping gifts while the little one is out at a pantomime. I have so far wrapped 5 gifts. And only one of them looks like a well wrapped gift. The rest look like someone with hooks for hands wrapped them! Blessed with gift wrapping talent I am not! I have cellotape stuck everywhere. Even in my hair! Though how that got there I don't know...
My most favourite thing in WoW at the moment is my happy little Squee Gnomie (the sound I make every time I summon her. To a tune). Seeing lots of little gnomies about makes me a giddy little gnomie. And my Winter's Little Helper mini me gets me in such a state of excitement that I just squeal at the screen. Cuteness overload!
![]() |
Don't get too close. Squeegnomie bites. |
Thursday, 20 December 2012
The End of the World As We Know It?
It's 12.01am now. Guess the Mayan guy just couldn't be bothered to write any more after all. *Loads shotgun just in case*. Trade chat was wonderful tonight. If I had 1 gold for every theory or shout, I'd have, like 4 million bajillion (actual number *hopes*) gold by the first 10 mins after midnight server time. It made my brain hurt. Trying to keep chat going, whispers and then the deafening chat from Trade...I should switch Trade chat off (can I btw?), but then I'd miss out on all the action and I'm far too nosy for that!
And oh! Some bloody Nelf was wearing my frost mog! I must be one trendy little gnomie! Or picked a common set. Let's just pretend it's the first to make me feel better about it. So, now I'm going to have a huge overhaul on my kit. I am thinking of something to match my wonderfully dumb looking Water Elemental, but maybe I'll just make something ridiculous instead... Like my Slave Leia dress. Which is awesome but totally ridiculous on such a tiny, fat, barrel shaped gnomie XD. Trol-lol-lol-lol
But for now it's bedtime. My head feels like it's filled with cotton wool and I'm attractively sweating like a fat man's butt. Thrice drenched in 2 days in almost 0 degrees = uber cold. Tomorrow I will be so drugged up for my 14 hour day at work that I will just mumble or giggle, or both, at customers. I hope no one actually needs any advice. Or words even. Just giggles. Ask me tomorrow night how it went and I'm sure there will just be plenty of sweary grumbling. Still, big smiles while I'm there and all will be ok. I'm sure I'll find some mischief to get me through the day. And then when I get home I'm going to pew pew *B00M* (for a change). I will bring frosty death anything that comes near me...or die a lot (definitely). Maybe start questing again too in Krasarang Wilds...who knows!
Well, the end of the world wasn't so bad after all, was it?
Saturday, 8 December 2012
Only in WoW
So, after attempting to sleep at 2.30am and failing miserably I pop back into WoW for a little while. Did a few bg's. Died a lot but also sneaked in some wicked awesome frostbombs. Pop in back pocket of low health hordie...casually walk away whistling...BOOM. Still funny, even if I die immediately after! Chilled in SW and got asked for a portal to 'Brocade Valley'. Cute name for Pandaria (I hope!) but also the 3rd novella in a series of erotic Chinese Fiction. I almost choked on my drink! The people of WoW never fail to amuse me.
Even more fun though was the backwards Jedi race from Mage Tower to the Cathedral. My gnomie Jedi brother and I walked the entire way backwards for shiggles. And it was funny! So, if you are ever in Argent Dawn SW and see two Jedi Gnomes walking round, or watching our droids fight, say hi!
Another gnomie fascination is Meng Meng the panda! Multiple tiny pandas in Shrine of the Seven Stars with guildie friends almost knocked me out! The sheer cuteness of multiple levitating pandas almost made me cry, I was so giddy! If you've seen Kristen Bell with the Sloth on Youtube, times that by 1,000,000 and you have me at that moment. It's so cute I can't even process it fully. I want to be a tiny panda all the time! And then tiny, tiny potion panda....ahhhh I can't even talk about it. It makes me all squeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. And mini pandas holding Lightsabers. OMG epicness!
And I think I must be a trend setter! I saw my exact pink mog on a space goat in SW tonight. It looked very pretty but not nearly as cute as my gnomie! Almost made me go mog my current kit back into it! But, for the moment I'm gonna stay in the red mog. It feels more Pandaria than the pink, so they can keep it for now :)
A last big thanks to my guildie friends this week for keeping me all giddy happy. I've laughed so hard this week my ribs feel busted. Which is exactly how I like things to be. If the aches are from laughter then things can't be bad!
Night night!
Tuesday, 4 December 2012
Friends Are For Life, Not Just In Game
But how wrong could I have been. The past year has been a complete mind changer. The friends I've made in the guild I'm in have been as important to me as people who I work with, or know in RL. We've shared lots of fun, and some not so fun times. And I can honestly say that it's not the game that keeps me coming back, it's them. Sometimes I just log in to chat and end up staying in Halfhill the entire time (Blizzard need to put a statue of me there for when I'm not in game, so no one misses me). And I really feel like I can be myself there. My little bad, gnomie self. I think probably the last few weeks have really kicked that feeling in. Especially since I lost one of them. And I may not have dealt with it so well. That little ball of gnomie frustration built up and I may have been a little unfeeling or seemed unkind towards them. That was wrong of me. While we can't play any more I think it's important to say that I still consider them a friend and will miss them looooads. And am grateful for them having to carry a nublet gnomie around for so long. I wish them a shit ton of happy times in everything they do, both in and out of game.
And to those of you who read this, you've all brightened my life up lately. In your own little ways, you've been the best friends a gnomie could ever ask for. When I've been sad or angry, you've been there at one time or another to cheer me up with hugs, chats and trolling fun. But I'm really gonna have to think up some magic to repay it. So, to start off with, a big hug to:
The Dwarf/ My troll gnome Jedi brother
The Nelf who hammered my Lock's DPS (which was hilarious, because he's so competetive!)
The Warrior Party Tank (who is much tougher than she believes)
My Little Mage Sister
The Face Melting Priest
The Dwarf Hunter with the wicked DPS
There are many others too but these guys and girls are my closest friends. Honorable mention goes out to the Shaman Who Falls Off Cliffs. I cannot even begin to tell you how much that makes me chuckle when I see it in Gchat. And my Lock is back with us now, so he can take over going on raids. Because, lets face it, I'm better left punching cows in BG. His DPS blows mine out of the water and he doesn't stand in bad stuff constantly ;)
I love, love, love my Jedi kit too. But if my Jedi Brother thinks I'm finished there, well, get ready for it. Troll-lol-lol...
Saturday, 1 December 2012
I Frost Bombed a Cow and I Liked It...
After my shift I indulged in some Spotify PvP. It's a real treat when every one is in bed and I can just blast the headphones at ear bleeding volume levels. It worked well at first. I was pew pewing hard until I got totally absorbed in the head bobbing and drag queen miming to the music I allowed a rogue to take Dranei Ruins from me. I didn't even see the little bastard til it was too late. Thanks for 'Don't Stop Me Now', Queen. Turns out I can be stopped...
Also, while looking through my playlists I noticed one called 'Banging Dance Tunes'. Now, I know I'm 'down with the kids', obviously. Mainly because I'm roughly the same height as 9-13 year olds and have the mentality of a 5 year old on Red Bull. But would I ever call a playlist that? And would anyone who is actually 'down with the kids' ever claim that? I think you'll find the answer is No. So I take a look and find more Skrillex than should be legal. It was a cacophony of shite. My daughter has terrible, terrible taste in music. And that's coming from me. I wanted to jump on my iPhone to make it stop. And then all of a sudden I'm my mother. But seriously, Justin Beiber?? I'm considering adoption.
I'm testing songs by performance for my playlists. So far I've found the best performance comes from these: Little Mix, 'Wings', Train, '50 Ways To Say Goodbye', P!nk, 'Blow Me (One Last Kiss) and 'So What', Joy Division, 'Love Will Tear Us Apart', Of Monsters and Men ' Little Talks', Florence and the Machine, 'Dog Days Are Over', Simple Minds, 'Don't You (Forget About Me)', Maroon 5, 'Moves Like Jagger', Anything by Amy Winehouse or Kelly Clarkson and REM, 'At My Most Beautiful' (just because it really does make me smile). Honourable mention goes out to Aerosmith, Queen and Eurythmics (for making me rock out and pay no attention to the bg whatsoever). I'm quite proud to have started to compile possibly the oddest playlist ever. And it will only grow with suggestions. So keep them coming!