Gnome Mage

Gnome Mage

Sunday, 10 June 2012

Gnome Masochist LFG

A lot has happened since my last post. I began to get quite bored with my Mage, plus I got a new post in my guild so I decided to get a new toon. Mainly to farm some new professions (mining/jewelcrafting), but also to try a new playstyle. I decided I wanted to go back to the good old days of being a tank. So, because I'm lazy, I went with a Death Knight. Gnome of course, just to keep that annoyance factor.

Now, I started this a few days ago and absolutely love playing it. Solo, that is...

I went Blood because for once I wanted to be a double hard b*****d, instead of the ranged clothie I've been for the last year. And because, secretly I must love abuse, I threw myself straight into a dungeon. Because dying is the best way to learn. At the start of the fight I politely told the group I was new, thinking that maybe they might be patient with me. The dungeon was Hellfire Ramparts, which I haven't done on my mage due to pvp'ing my way to level 70. So, I was a total newbie. In ran the loladin and pulled the first mob...ok, I got this. Then it just went crazy. The pally just pulled everything in sight. But clearly they could handle this, so my back up adviser told me to just go with it. Soon I was reduced to just shouting at the screen, "for God's sake, I can't see anything...what is happening!!"

Then we got to the boss and the healer asked if we need a tank. Then this happened, screen shotted after by scrolling up chat...

Now, as you can see, I told my guild I died on the first boss. Initially, I thought that it was just me playing poorly. Then the healer typed the comment about letting me die. Aside from the fact he/she obviously meant they didn't need me, he/she let me die on purpose. What a sh*thead. So I needed everything, then sat down while they killed stuff. Gained the exp from the run, had a rest from running round in heavy plate.

Now part of me thinks, hey, that was just a bad group. The rest of me disagrees. As I mentioned in my last post, some people seem to be massive d*cks on this game. Like little gods behind their keyboards, looking down at the noobs with scorn. Well, not today. This noob is going to stand and be counted. I shall play exactly as I want and take whatever abuse is sent my way. I shall continue to tank be it good or bad. To be honest, I'm that hardened now from the raggings, you could punch me in the face and I wouldn't feel it! 

And as for the people in this group, the best revenge is knowing that, unfortunately for them, they will always be douchebags, be it in game or real life. Now, I'm off to farm a ton of stuff ;)