So, I've given the new patch a few days to settle before I posted again. Sadly, I still feel the same about my gnomies. I don't think that will change. My monk is not too bad, she can carry bitch face, but my mage not so much. Though when they are asleep or dead they look really great. Just a shame that didn't carry over.
Sleeping Beauty |
After my overwhelmingly negative reaction I thought I should post about some of the positives! I love, love the new male dwarves. They look absolutely awesome...and ripped! Really impressed with the changes made there. I love that my frost mage is all frost now (and that I don't have to take Living Bomb) but I dislike that I can't have Mirror Image as a standard spell. I miss Alter Time a huge amount, though it has caused me many a death (landing back in Thunderstruck, anyone?), I absolutely loved that talent. Brilliant for PvP too, imho. Movement seems way more fluid and smooth now. I do feel a bit like I'm doing a 3 button smash when DPS'ing, which I'm not a fan of but I guess when I play more and have a rotation that will change.
Anyway, back in I go! More updates to follow!